Does this sound like you? get the key to weight loss and health keeping it for a living is your understanding of the body. whenever you are thinking about weight loss you want to think in terms of a diet fitness program. The problem many people make is that they only focus on one aspect that leaves them always falling short of their goals. know what metabolism somehow? your body is not confusing. Let's break down your body in two aspects.
First, is your body's ability to break down food to eat and convert it into energy or store it. You can store fat in your fat cells though you do store carbohydrates in your muscle cells to use as energy later. The second is the rate at which your body produces energy, or do you have a fast or slow metabolism? The other important part of your body is what you are burned for energy. want your body small amounts of food at regular intervals throughout the day. usually every 2-3 hours is a good time to eat. It does not eat the average American diet 5 times a day, more cutting your meal in half and food amounts throughout the day. When we go longer than 3 hours between meals the body begins to store the food we eat fat, and can burn away muscle tissue for energy instead of with your meals.
When you eat 5 small meals a day you train your body to use fat as your primary fuel source. A proper metabolism burns 70% fat as its primary source of energy all day long. Just think while you work sitting in your chair you are burning fat. has been through this exercise we increase our metabolism up. The amount of calories we burn is not as important as the rate at which we burn calories. If burning 3500 calories worked than all the walkers in the gym is the thinnest people. You will generally see much thinner than runners walkers and that is because running burns calories at a higher rate and raises up your body. You burn more calories by increasing your body throughout the day than you can in any workout. cardio interval training is considered one of the best ways of raising your body. Interval training is short burst of high intensity observed by short durations of low intensity and then repeated.
People after doing an interval workout burn more fat as an energy source for the entire day after than any other form of cardio. You only want to do one interval workout per week as over doing it creates more training and a drop in results. combining exercise and eat 5 small meals and you will unlock your potential weight loss.
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